Thursday, June 23, 2011

Holding Pattern

Having just spent 2 days in the Chicago O'Hare airport during a bad weather jag, I cannot resist the analogy to our progress - we are in a long, boring holding pattern.  You may have noticed the lack of blog posts and progress reports lately.  Visible progress is spotty at best.  So what have we been doing with our time?

  • Finalizing our design plans - we've worked with Chris, our architect, to finalize the final layout of the house, as well as the elevations - we are very excited about the designs.

  • Filing our application with the town Historic Review Board to obtain approval on our design plans - the hearing is scheduled for July 6th, so a little more waiting before more work can begin.

  • Exploring and selecting materials for the rennovation - roof shingles, exterior siding, paint and color schemes, exterior dentil molding, etc.

  • Clearing brush piles and sticks from the yard:

  • Clearing the yard of unwanted trees and brush:

  • Planting a small garden

  • And hanging out on sunny days, envisioning what it will be like when the house is done and we are living in the fruits of our labor.

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