Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good News, One Step Done!

Finally, a bit of good news.  Because our house sits in a designated federal historic district, all changes to the exterior of the structure require approval from the Urbanna Historic Review Board (after notice to adjacent property owners and publication in the paper).  Although we were told our HARB hearing on our plans for the house (scheduled for July 6th) had been postponed until the 20th due to an anticipated lack of a quorum of the Board to function, there ended up being a quorum that night.  We weren't there for the hearing since we didn't think it was happening, but apparently all of our design plans for Glenlochan were approved with great support from the Town!  We are super excited that this step is out of the way.  Next steps include building permits and final construction blueprints.  Check out the conceptual design of our home (front and back) below, thanks to the talents of our architect, Chris Riddick.

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