Sunday, July 1, 2012

Home Away From Home

At the risk of stating the obvious, Glenlochan is not habitable at the moment.  And, since we are in Philly, you might be wondering where we stay when we are working on the house.  We actually have all the comforts of home in the front yard of Glenlochan:

Yup, a fantastic camper provides us with shelter, a bed, a hot shower after a long day of working on the house, and a place to cook a meal.  Rob found this great, gently used camper for a small investment and it's so convenient and comfortable (and so much less expensive than staying at a hotel).  And, truth be told, it brings back some fond memories of our first few years together when we lived in a mobile home!  Rob outfitted this camper with a brand new, pillow-top mattress which is almost more comfortable than our regular bed.

A few other shots of our little camper are below.

Large refrigerator and freezer:

Spacious dining table and one of life's most critical necessities, the coffee maker!

Fancy trim, window blinds and comfy couches (Tosha concurs with the comfort level):

A kitchen sink, microwave, and stove/oven:

 And, a small bathroom with a hot shower:

Not pictured is the fantastic air conditioning, which is a real necessity in the Virginia heat and humidity. 

We've enjoyed staying in the camper (Rob's logged a lot more nights than I have) and it's pretty peaceful (no tv or internet might help in that regard).  However, we do not intend to keep this camper after the renovations are complete, so don't be surprised if these pictures and part of the text appear on Craig's List in 6 months or so...this blog post was really practice for that future listing!

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