Sunday, November 11, 2012

All About Courthouse Steps

The term, "courthouse steps" has more applications than you might think, but each application shares common design elements.  First of all, it can be a quilt pattern:
This was nice to know since my sister owns a quilt shop in Ohio, The Quilt Foundry .  If you are a quilter, you'll want to check it out.  Secondly, courthouse steps can be just that...the steps to a courthouse:
And finally, courthouse steps are a masonry design for steps.  Here you can see the design on the US Supreme Court....
And the NY Supreme Court:

And, finally, courthouse steps are a design option for porch steps on residential homes.  Like the quilt pattern and many actual courthouse steps, from top to bottom, each step is larger than the last on all three sides.  And, as you might have already guessed, we chose the courthouse step option for the front porch at Glenlochan.  Take a look at the latest addition to the front view of the home:

Certainly not as grand as the Supreme Court, but we think it will look pretty nice once the porch roof and columns have been rebuilt.  And, you can bet that I'll be paying extra attention to the steps on every courthouse I see. 

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