Monday, November 26, 2012

Windows to the World

There are not too many things more exciting (to home renovation junkies, anyway) than the installation of brand new, energy efficient windows.  With the addition of the windows, the framed structure of Glenlochan has been transformed into a much closer approximation of a home... which makes us think that the house might actually be completed some day!  It was a fairly efficient installation process, but the transformation was pretty remarkable.

First, the window openings were cut out. 

Then, Rob installed all of the flashing in preparation for the window installation on three sides of the house (the fourth will soon be sporting a new addition).

Then the actual installation of the windows began - this is the front of the home:


Note the "prairie" grill pattern on the upper side windows.

This is a shot of the side of the home with the windows installed - the three windows in a row are "awning" windows for the downstairs master, allowing a bed to be placed on that wall beneath the windows.  The other small downstairs window is in the study and it was specially sized so that the stained glass window found in the home (more on that restoration coming soon) can be placed in that window closer to completion date.

And, here's a view looking out of the newly installed windows:

And, finally, a few shots of the front of the home with most of the windows installed.  We now have light coming in and views out of three sides of Glenlochan - we love it!

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