Thursday, March 21, 2013

Entrances....or Exits?

Are doors entrances to the house, or exits from the house?  Does it depend if you are a glass half full or glass half empty type of person?  If they are in the front or back or side of the house?  I realize that technically they are both entrances and exits, but I'm do you view them?  If a fire was raging in the home and I needed to escape, I'm sure I'd view them as exits.  Other than that, though, I view them as entrances - inviting people to come in, visit, stay a while, get comfortable.  Maybe it's because "home" is my favorite place to be - I cannot wait to get to my home whenever I'm working, vacationing, or otherwise out and I really don't want to leave most days.  I am a homebody at heart and a good day is one spent puttering at home.   So having the doors finally installed was a red letter day.  The doors have been on site, tempting us for a while by leaning prettily against the walls.

We've been anxious to see how the doors we selected "work" with the overall look we've been working to achieve.  The doors were all installed in less than a day - here's the side door install:

 The back french doors with transom (note the water view in the second shot):

Upper and lower back french doors are in.

And, my favorite, the front door install:

The colored glass really shows in the indoor shots, but is hard to see on the outdoor shots.  We debated about the colored/red glass, and are so glad we took the chance - we love it.  We also debated about the size of the glass and elected the 3/4 over the 1/2 or full, and I think it was the right call.  Not all of our decisions come out exactly the way we hope or envision, but this one is a winner.  It's my favorite entrance by far.  It practically screams, "welcome" to me - I hope everyone else thinks so, too.

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