Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Primer Ready

Although I haven't posted and we haven't been on site at the project for a bit (a work trip to Tampa for me; a two week stay on the "injured list" for Rob) lots of progress was made in our absence.  For each item checked off the main project list by our subs, at least 2 are added to our personal "to-do" list.  The completion of the drywall is no exception.  The walls and ceilings are now fully taped and mudded throughout to a nice smooth finish.  They look great and are ready for the painters to come in and do their stuff.  Who are the painters?  We have three - me, myself and I.  My growing to-do list now includes the requisite two new items -  priming interior walls and ceilings and painting interior walls and ceilings and I'm wishing I could clone myself in the near term.  The scope of these two items is pretty overwhelming, particularly since I'll be doing all of it on the weekends that I can actually get to VA to work on the project.  Lots of driving and painting in my future and, although I'm sure Rob will pitch in when he can, his to-do list is pretty lengthy at the moment, too.  And, truth be told, I'm actually a better wall painter than Rob!  Enjoy.

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