Thursday, August 22, 2013

House of 1000+ Nail Holes

I'm currently flummoxed by nail holes.  Thousands upon thousands of them.  I don't have a rational explanation for why I didn't realize that when the interior trim was attached to the windows and doors the attachment process would leave nail holes....lots and lots of them.  I honestly never considered it.  The trim looks GREAT, and the edges are nicely painted and a neat white contrast against the walls:

But a close inspection shows all the nail holes on each and every piece of trim.  Miles and miles of trim, as you may recall.  Now, I have miles and miles of nail holes.

 The solution:

Professional painter's putty is my new best friend.  I have the enviable task of hours upon hours of filling nail holes:

There have been many worse jobs on this project - raking insulation in tyvek suits and masks comes to mind - so I will survive the tedium and at least I can do this task in relative comfort (air conditioning!).  After each nail hole is filled, the putty has to dry and then be sanded flat before painting can begin. Admit it, you are jealous that your upcoming weekends do not hold the promise of such fun!  If you are bored, feel free to join me in this fun at the house of 1000+ nail holes.

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