Thursday, September 19, 2013

Papering Our Breezeway

It's been quite a while since I've hung wallpaper (most recent reno projects involved stripping wallpaper, not hanging it).  In fact, besides a few borders, it's probably been more than a decade since I've papered anything.  Generally, we're not big wallpaper fans - stripping it from walls that have been improperly prepped has left me less than fond of the stuff.  However, there is a time and a place for wallpaper and, in this case, we both had a vision for the breezeway that included a vintage-ish wallpaper. The hanging of said wallpaper was greatly complicated by my knee issues (still waiting for a diagnosis) but a knee brace, frequent breaks and ice, and spreading this out over a couple of weeks helped a lot.  It was also an easier job because I didn't have to hang the paper floor to ceiling, which greatly reduced the size of the sheets I was hanging.  Wainscoting will cover the bottom half of the walls in the breezeway - it's ordered but hasn't arrived yet.

Apparently, we're not alone in our general apathy towards wallpaper - most stores do not carry wallpaper books anymore, and the only place I could find my favorite wall sizing was on Amazon.  Home Depot doesn't even carry wallpaper hanging supplies - only the chemicals to strip it, which I found absolutely ludicrous.    (And, completely off topic, but a quick tip - cheap fabric softener is the best stripping agent for old wallpaper - it penetrates, softens the glue and allows it to be easily pulled or scraped right off the wall - much safer and way better smelling than chemical strippers).  That made collecting all of the necessary supplies a bit more complicated than it has been for other projects.

First I primed and sized the walls - here's the bare walls of the breezeway:

The first two strips up by the front door went up really quickly and easily:

Steady progress turning the corner and over the doorway.

 Down the hall:
Over the archway:
And, around a couple of corners to finish the job:
One more project is now checked off of my list!

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