Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Still Veggin' and Tin Ceiling

We've taken laziness to new heights over the past few weeks.  We are the consummate couch potatoes and frankly, facing a full five day work week for the first time in over a month is challenging.  The body depression I've so artfully made on the couch might actually start rebounding if I am not on it for five full days.  I know the dog will miss me, for sure.

During all this laying around, er, rejuvenation period, not much has been accomplished on either house in my view, but Rob would disagree - he's been busy "conceptualizing" and researching - all from the comfort of the couch.  I've just been laying around.

I've ginned up the energy to write a post, but I'm fading fast.  This couch gets the best of me every time, luring me in and sapping my strength while the body depression cradles me in comfort.  I have a few "catch-up" posts in the hopper - which I'll try to get written despite my lack of energy - and one is the installation of the tin ceiling in the study.  Bare ceiling pictured here prior to installation of the tin tiles.

We special ordered the tiles from Metal Ceilings Express.  We opted for the nail up (not drop in) since they were being installed between the coffers of the ceiling.  We selected a beautiful gold color to play off the stained glass window, the vintage light, which is trimmed in gold, and trim in the room.

Rob was able to install these by himself in less than a full day. We did invest in a heavy duty "paper cutter" like the kind the elementary schools used to have (and maybe still do, but they seem kinda dangerous in retrospect - they looked like they could chop off a hand, and probably have).  Remember those?  Well we have one now and they cut tin tiles like charm (and I'm sure I'll find future use for it).

We are very happy with the finished product - striking but charming, it's the look we were hoping for.

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