Monday, February 17, 2014


We had a new first this week, thundersnow.

Disclaimer - thundersnow has absolutely nothing to do with renovation, not in VA, not in Philly, not anywhere.  End disclaimer.

We've had so many significant snow storms this winter that I've lost count.  The last big one was a doozy though - a "long duration event" as the excited weather and news people chimed repeatedly.  Phase two of this storm, it was announced, could include thundersnow.  I thought it highly unlikely that we'd be lucky enough to experience thundersnow - especially since I hadn't even heard of this phenomenon until the dire predictions for this storm began.

But, sure enough, the snow was falling heavily as we headed to bed and just as we were drifting off to sleep, we saw a huge flash of light and a large boom of thunder.  Luckily it repeated the pattern several more times so our disbelieving minds were able to confirm that yes, we were actually experiencing thundersnow - thunder and lightning in the middle of a snowstorm - how cool is that?  I was so excited I could hardly fall asleep.

Unfortunately, no pictures to document this potentially once in a lifetime event. 

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