Friday, November 7, 2014

Done Dick'en with the Dock

Check, check, check - the dock project is done.  It was a long time coming and, despite some real reservations midday through the project, worth the wait.  The siding is spectacular - and totally reinforced our view that it had to be board and batten siding.  The horizontal thin stuff just wasn't going to give it the right feel, especially when the original had been vertical.

Some of the delay had to do with locating just the right color of siding.  Our first choice matched the color of Glenlochan unbelievably perfectly.  Too perfectly, apparently - the color had been discontinued.  And no, there wasn't enough left in stock, not even hobbling together everything available across the nation.  Plan B involved matching the original color of the boathouse which, as you may recall, looked like this:

That seemed like a quick trip to the supply store...not.  Barn red is not an easy color to find in board and batten siding.  The first samples were more rust than red, not at all true to the original and, in my humble view, not very attractive.  Finally, we found the Georgia Pacific "Hampton Red" board and batten siding.  Of course it was a "premium" color.  Of course it was special order.  Of course it took a while to arrive.  Again - worth the wait.  Here's the install:

 The interior of the boathouse (note the fall colors starting on the opposite shore).  We elected to widen the slip we'd be using for a boat and create a kayak launch/wave runner slip on the other side.

 The step-down for launching the kayaks:
The dock looking back to shore, now complete with steps:
And, the finished boathouse and dock:
The next project will be to run a water supply and electric down to the boathouse.

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